The Workers
- 2.5% of population- mostly ex peasants
- bad working conditions and long hours
- disciplined and fined for smallest infraction
- accidents causing death or serious injury common
- very low wages- barely enough to live on
- were militant and caused a big threat
- lots of disease and illness related to conditions of workplace
- bad living conditions- barrack style next to factories- dirty and insanitary
- resented harsh conditions and exploitation
- high literacy rate (57.85%)- understood some politics
- lots of strikes - Putilov engineering works St Petersburg 1905
The Peasants
- 80% of population
- Forced to make redemption payments to government for land- could not afford
- plots too small to make a reasonable living- had to work on estates of the rich to make money
- restrictions from the village commune 'mir'- was democratic but older or richer peasants had more influence- couldn't move freely without permission- punishment was conscription to the army
- strips of land allotted to households based on size- not always fair, led to inefficient agriculture
- agriculture essential to Russia's economy
- strip system outdated- few animals and wooden tools - old fashioned
National Minorities and Russification
- Polish, Latvians, Finish
- resented Russian control and russification
- Russians got important jobs
- Minorities had to pay large sums of money to the Imperial Treasury
- Emphasis on Russian superiority angered minorities- saw as an attack on their way of life and culture- unfair and discriminative
- Made non-russians speak the Russian language and adopt Russian customs- language used in schools, law courts, regional govs- forbidden to teach in own language
- Jews forced to live in the Pale of Settlement- suffered anti-semitism and had social, political and economic restrictions
- not much of a threat- Tsar easily suppressed them in 19th century uprisings and protests
Political Parties
The liberals:
- main beliefs: civil rights, freedom of individuals, free election, parliamentary democracy, limitations to Tsars power, self determination for national minorities
- didn't have large popular base- main support was middle class- intelligentsia, lawyers, doctors, professionals, teachers
- used reform rather than violent action- newspaper articles, meetings and reform banquets
- set up town councils to run own affairs
The revolutionaries:
- wanted to make their own form of socialism
- believed peasants could make own form of socialism and avoid capitalism and evils of industrialisation
- used peaceful propaganda and went to live with peasants to persuade them- when rejected in 1879 they turned to terrorism
- support from students and young people and well to do intellectuals
The Marxists:
- believed in action- organised strikes in factories
- saw no hope in revolutionary movement, liked Theories of Karl Marx
- supported by Russian intellectuals
The socialist revolutionaries:
- Believed in revolution of the peasants, for the Tsar to be replaced by a democratic republic and land to be taken and divided equally between the peasants
- methods included terrorism and assassination of government officials
- support from peasants, workers and some intellectuals
The social democrats:
- accepted main beliefs of marxism but were split over role of party
- supported by working class
- split into Bolsheviks and Mensheviks
- Bolsheviks
- believed party should be small and under centralised leadership- harder to inflitrate
- wanted to lead workers to revolution
- used terrorism
- support from younger more militant peasants and workers
- Mensheviks
- believed should take in anyone who wished to join
- more democratic- encouraged trade unions to help get better conditions
- thought workers could develop a class and revolutionary consciousness until ready for revolution
- support from other types of workers, members of the intelligentsia and non-Russians